Friday, June 18, 2010

Waylaid by Jackassery

Okay, so it's been weeks since I've written anything here. I know, I know. I've let down my followers, and for that I apologize. For the record, I have no idea why I haven't written. I've been doing stuff. New stuff. Blog-worthy stuff. Like, I completed my first Reserve drill weekend, I went to the orientation at Ohio State, I found a new band to play in...stuff like that. And I WANT to tell you all about it. I just haven't been in a creative writing mood. But fear not; school starts on Monday, and soon I'll find myself with much less time on my hands. Thus, I'd better pen my thoughts before I get too mired down with homework and stuff.

So my promise to all of you (and to myself, since I'm the reason why I started this thing in the first place) is that by this time next week, there will be at LEAST two new entries for your reading enjoyment.

More to follow...


  1. If you're anything like me (and you are), you'll blog seven times a day just to avoid homework. Your house will be spotless. The items in your pantry will be alphabetized. You'll iron things that don't need to be ironed. Everything you've been putting off for the past 12 years will get done, and you'll cram your homework into the very last hour before class. Enjoy!

  2. I certainly hope you're right, Jess. My pantry hasn't been alphabetized in years!
