Friday, June 18, 2010

Waylaid by Jackassery

Okay, so it's been weeks since I've written anything here. I know, I know. I've let down my followers, and for that I apologize. For the record, I have no idea why I haven't written. I've been doing stuff. New stuff. Blog-worthy stuff. Like, I completed my first Reserve drill weekend, I went to the orientation at Ohio State, I found a new band to play in...stuff like that. And I WANT to tell you all about it. I just haven't been in a creative writing mood. But fear not; school starts on Monday, and soon I'll find myself with much less time on my hands. Thus, I'd better pen my thoughts before I get too mired down with homework and stuff.

So my promise to all of you (and to myself, since I'm the reason why I started this thing in the first place) is that by this time next week, there will be at LEAST two new entries for your reading enjoyment.

More to follow...